Build for wherever you work

Everyone seems to be going mobile these days. You can’t turn around without seeing someone using some kind of smartphone or tablet. Mobile devices have moved far beyond the “hot thing” phase and have been wholly integrated into billions of people’s lives.

In fact, mobile devices have become so ubiquitous, there’s more than one in use today for every man, woman, and child on Earth. In the coming years, that number is expected to continue growing, perhaps exponentially.

A significant part of that growth should come from the business sector but, in fact, businesses have been rather slow to adopt and deploy mobile. One of the chief reasons is that, up to now, mobile devices have been designed for and aimed primarily at consumers who mostly use them for entertainment and personal tasks.

Mobility has become one of those catch-all terms that tries to mean everything, and so has come to mean nothing. You’ve probably seen the phrase assigned to just about everything – across ads, white papers and conference sessions. Wireless networking? Call it mobility. Wearables? Mobility. Hands-free, cloud-connected augmented reality? Mobility. After a while, it just becomes noise.

HP Mobility can change the way work gets done with transformative, industry-leading products and services that streamline workflows and enhance customer interactions.

At Solalris, we believe Mobility should be more than just marketing-speak. We believe Mobility should be a path to solutions that bring real, tangible benefits to your business. Solutions that surprise and delight your customers, help your employees work smarter and streamline processes rather than complicate them. Solutions that help keep data secure, and that allow the IT team to sleep at night.